Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Day 7 — Dedham to Plymouth, Massachusetts — October 5, 2022

 We experienced the remnants of hurricane Ian today with a cool, windy and on and off rainy day. Our local guide accompanied us on a  full-day in Plymouth with stops at the Jenney Museum and Grist Mill, the restored Mayflower II, the Plymouth Rock and the National Monument to the Forefathers. After lunch we visited the Plimoth Patuxet museums. The museums help make real through the displays of the history and life of the Plymouth colonists and Indigenous people. Due to the rain, not everyone wandered the Plimoth (Plymouth) Patuxet early 17th-Century English Village. Inside some of the outside buildings were actors that portrayed life in that time period. Inside the Plimoth Patuxet museum pottery, early weapons and clothing was displayed. A Thanksgiving turkey meal was served to our group for the evening meal. We had about an hour to drive where we spent our second night at the Holiday Inn, Dedham, Massachusetts.

It was our turn to get the back seat by the bathroom. 

Arrived in Plymouth around 9:00 am

Afternoon temperature

Pilgrim Mother Statue

Chunk of granite from the canopy (1867-1920) over Plymouth Rock

Jenney Museum Outside

Historian Leo Martin presented a history of the Pilgrims

Across the street from the Jenney Museum

Plimoth Grist Mill

Head or Ear of Corn?

Need to remember this every day

Lovely reflection in the pond across from the museum

The 81-foot tall statue is thought to be the tallest solid granite monument in the United States.

Harbormaster building

Restaurant where we ate

Mayflower II is in the distance
Onboard the Mayflower II main deck

Way to keep track of days

I liked his cap
Colors from the Mayflower era were used to paint the ship 

Plymouth Rock is viewed from above

Quite windy out today as you can see from the waves

I needed an umbrella when starting out walking around the village

Inside where furs were kept and quite smoky


Path had a few puddles from previous day’s rain

Arlen is exploring one of the buildings 

Inside the museum beautiful pottery was displayed

Replica of the Mayflower II

Names of the Natives from the area

The “Mooflower”

I learned a new game of cards while waiting for our Thanksgiving meal.

Thanksgiving meal

Yellow (to Plymouth) and Green (back to Dedham) Route today

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