Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Day 6 — Kennebunkport, Maine — Boston, Massachusetts — October 4, 2022

 We headed out of the mountains this morning and headed for the Maine coast and for the towns of Kennebunk and Kennebunkport, Maine. In Kennebunk we viewed beautiful historic mansions from our bus. The local guide explained the history of some of them. We viewed the elaborate “Bush Compound” at Walker Point and the Atlantic Ocean. Lunch was on our own in Kennebunkport Dock Square. Many of our tour group chose a lobster or seafood dish at the Dock Square area. 

After lunch we made our way to Boston and boarded a famous Boston Duck. We had a land and water tour of the area. Arlen even volunteered to drive a Duck for a short while on the St. Charles River. Our weather turned into a light rain, but rain was greatly needed in that area. We didn’t complain too much.  For our evening meal and for some shopping after, we went to the Historic Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall Marketplace. We then boarded the bus and went to Dedham, Massachusetts’ Holiday Inn for a restful night.

6:37 am sunrise leaving Lincoln, NH
When we took our break at Kennebunk we spotted a moose :-)
Old steeple on a building in Kennebunk
Cottage at Cabot Cove, Kennebunkport, Maine
Old cemetery in Kennebunkport 
Kennebunkport rural area

Goose Rocks Beach House

1850 Clock Farm

We were able to view from a distance the “Bush Compound” at Walker Point

Daniel Walker House — 1784

House that caused controversy in the neighborhood due to not fitting in with existing architecture.

Buses were not allowed to stop at the beach. 

The local guide informed us the water should be about 60 degrees. Brrr!

Kennebunkport, Maine

Great little shop to order lunch

Lobster roll
Art is found everywhere in Kennebunkport

Perfect towel except for the fact he doesn’t like wine.

Our tour guide sporting a new hat

Waterfront condos sell for over $500,000
Wedding cake house

Piscataqua River

We got on our Duck for the tour of Boston-East Cambridge outside the Boston Museum of Science.

Each veteran could sign their name on the ceiling of the Duck
Full Duck

Started to rain during the tour
Super Swift was hilarious when conducting the tour

Government Center

Boston-Downtown Crossing
Oldest continuous running hotel and a member of the Historic Hotels of America

Jon Hancock gravestone is the tallest one in the cemetery
Quite a line to get into the Cheers Restaurant
Boston Public Garden with George Washington statue
Boston Common 

Boston-Beacon Hill

Massachusetts State House

Mary Dyer, a Puritan that turned Quaker, and was hanged in Boston.
State House Park

“The Greatest neighborhood this side of Heaven” is a memorial to the vanished West End of Boston
Cambridge Bridge
Duck ride on the St. Charles River

Arlen loved steering the Duck on the river for a short while

Foucalat Pendulum at Boston Museum of Science

Faneuil Hall Marketplace where we ate our evening meal on the 2nd floor.

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