Monday, October 10, 2022

Day 12 — Amana Colonies, Iowa to Home Sweet Home — October 10, 2022

 We left the hotel casino in Bettendorf, Iowa, headed toward the Amana Colonies. The weather was beautiful to do some walking outside down the Main Street area where most of the shops were located. My favorite shop had to be the Christmas shop. I didn’t buy anything, but sure was tempted. After lunch, we headed for Omaha, dropping off passengers at locations along the way. Then the Moostash Joe shuttle took us to Norfolk where we picked up our vehicle to drive home. It was around 10 pm when we arrived home. The trip was wonderful and I added ten states that I had never been to before. It was great to be home once again and our cats were even glad to see us! 

This black hat with leopard trim was calling my name. 

I hadn’t eaten beets since my Mom made them in the 1990’s. They were great!

Chocolate candy to die for

The mums were gorgeous

Loved the saying on this sign.

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