Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 20 -- Icy Strait -- July 30, 2014

Day 20 (Wednesday) Icy Strait -- Hoonah and Zipline

Icy Strait Point is located on Chichagof Island, 1.5 miles from the town of Hoonah and 35 miles west of Juneau. The Tlingit people settled Hoonah two thousand years ago when they had to abandon their original home because of advancing glaciers.  Icy Strait Point is built around the restored Hoonah Packing company cannery complex. It is owned by Huna Totem Corporation and caters to the 145,000 cruise ship guests each year. 

Our cruise ship could not dock right at Icy Strait Point, so we used tenders to arrived at the dock. The small boats were loaded with cruise passengers for the two-minute ride to shore. We were at Icy Strait Point from 9 am to 5 pm. We wanted an adventurous excursion, so we booked the Ziprider. It is advertised as a "Scenic Mountain Ascent and World's Largest Ziprider." Arlen, Justin and I boarded a bus to go to the top. The driver went through the town of Hoonah as he journeyed up the mountain, giving a great narration as he went. It was a tour on the way up to the top. After the bus stopped, we had a walk down to the Ziprider launching point. We could see Port Fredrick, Icy Strait and our cruise ship from the top.

The Ziprider is 5,330 feet long, 1,300 foot vertical drop, 60 mph maximum speed and 90-second ride. Six riders sit in harness seats and then launch at the same time. What a ride! I made it down to the bottom first, and was greeted by Linda, Wayne and John at the bottom. 

Arlen, Justin, Linda and I ate fresh crab from The Crab Station. The crab was cooked after we ordered and was delicious. The rest of the time we walked around in the area and toured the museum and shops.

Map of Icy Strait Point, where we spent the day
Ship tenders took us to Icy Strait from the cruise ship

Our rooms at the front of the ship

John and Wayne sitting and watching the tourists

Doe and her fawn were on the road up to the zip line
View from the top where the zip line was
Arlen and I ready to go on zip line
Notice our cruise ship at the right
We are still smiling before the ride down

Justin has his feet out like we were told to do
What a thrill!
Arlen is feeling the breeze
Signs remind us to hold on and keep our feet up

The crab station was a busy place.
Delicious crab!

Norwegian sun had a sign where you could pose for a picture

Linda strolls along the board walk.

Tlingit dancers
One of the dancers and me

The dock for the tender boats from the cruise ships
The tenders are lifted back up to the ship
Arlen and I ride on the glass elevator in the cruise ship
View from above
A whale in the water right below our cabin

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