Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 7 -- North Pole and Fairbanks -- July 17, 2014

Day 7 (Thursday) Beaver Creek to Fairbanks with stops at Tok and the North Pole

We packed up early in the morning light from Beaver Creek to drive to Fairbanks. At the International Boundary we stopped for pictures. Going to Alaska from Canada, we needed to stop at the U.S. customs to show our passports.

Tok is known as the "Sled Dog Capital of Alaska" as many of the residents are involved with dogs and dog mushing.

At the North Pole we were able to see Santa and put in our early Christmas wish lists. One of the gifts to myself has been this trip.

We picked up our Dalton Highway rental suburban in Fairbanks. It came with two extra tires to prepare for the rough road ahead.

In Fairbanks, we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express. When Justin got in the elevator, he met BoBo from the show "Bigfoot Hunters." He convinced BoBo to take a picture with him. They were filming for the show in Alaska this summer. I guess someone caught a glimpse of Bigfoot in the area. It wasn't us.

Justin and Bobo
Orange highlight -- route taken today

Arlen and I at the International Boundary
Linda and Wayne at the International boundary
Of course we all had to sit or stand in front of the Welcome to Alaska sign.

A cowboy riding down the side of the road.

What a view!

Tok, Alaska

Wayne, Linda, John and I eating our sandwiches and chips for lunch.

Lots of mushroom pictures below

Ready to ride with Santa at the North Pole, Alaska

Santa Claus Store, North Pole
Linda and Wayne stand under a Christmas arch in the store

Lots of road construction going around Santa
Reindeer ready to pull the sleigh

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