Friday, September 30, 2022

Day 2 — Hammond, Indiana to Niagara Falls, New York — September 30, 2022

 Another travel day through Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. Some of the photos below are taken out of the bus window, so may be slightly blurred. We arrived at Niagara Falls early evening and were able to enjoy the sunset over the falls and later enjoyed the lighting and fireworks. Niagara Falls deserves the title of a natural wonder of the world.

Mornings came early, usually by 7:00 on the bus ready to go.
Gene Stratton Porter Travel Plaza Howe, Indiana

Outside the truck plaza was one of the first of many red-leaf trees we saw on the trip.
We watched several movies on the bus trip to pass time.

Cleveland — Brooklyn Centre

Cleveland Stadium

Cleveland — Goodrich — Kirkland Park
Cleveland Lakefront State Park (Lake Erie)


Buffalo, New York

Buffalo — Downtown

Peace Bridge, Buffalo


Town of Niagara Falls

From our Hyatt Place hotel room, it was a short walk to Niagara Falls State Park.

Niagara State Park Emblem

Beautiful sunset

Tuscarora Native Americans

Love this saying!

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