Thursday, September 29, 2022

Day 1 — Norfolk to Hammond, Indiana (Autumn in New England Moostash Joe Bus Tour)—September 29, 2022

Touring through the New England States in Autumn has always been on my bucket list. Two months ago I found the ideal trip online that would let me see 10 new states that I have not seen before. The twelve-day tour was moderately active,  but we saw so many sites in that time period. I am adding some of my favorite pictures from the trip by the days we saw the attractions.

We were escorted with a shuttle to Omaha from Norfolk.

Moostash Joe is known for giving out apple fritters on the first bus day.

Yes, we all got name tags.

Stopped at the Coral Ridge Mall for lunch.

Panera Bread soup never disappoints.

Some of the passengers rode the carousel, but we didn’t have time.
Arlen getting ready to board the Arrow bus.
The bus stopped in Bettendorf, Iowa to pick up more passengers.

I learned to play Bingo with five cards.

Thornton Quarry (Illinois) is one of the largest aggregate quarries in the world. 

The first night we stayed at the Ramada Hotel & Conference Center by Wyndham in Hammond, Indiana.

Liver and Onions is one of the favorite dishes at Johnel’s Restaurant in Hammond. Arlen chose that but I chose the jumbo shrimp.

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