Monday, May 28, 2012

Our "Grand" 35th Anniversary

What a great or "Grand" 35th Anniversary! It started with us getting up at 4 am and the day isn't done yet at 7 pm. Inadvertently, I already uploaded one picture on Facebook. I hope you got a chance to figure out where we were today. I am going to post a couple more pictures tonight and then, hopefully, will be able to post more anniversary day pictures tomorrow sometime.

Since the guess was so easy today where we were, I thought it might be more of a challenge to identify the scenic views. I have a question below each picture. If you want to, go ahead and answer the questions.

They are both popular sites, so get googling to figure it out!

Arlen is looking at a river, but it is also a famous location. What is the location?

Looks deep, doesn't it? Where is this location?


  1. It took me a while to figure out how to actually comment on your blog site but I think I've done it. Looks like you guys are having a blast. So jealous I'm not out of state exploring and creating new adventures. Have fun!

  2. I know I've been to the spots but I never remember names...I'm waiting for John/Jami to tell us...they have a better memory and know their locations. I thought for sure Jami would say being she said they hiked to the one spot ..

  3. I will give a hint. The first location above was named after a famous artist. His paintings of the Grand Canyon are well-known.

  4. Missed the hint...haha..this is fun!

  5. Yes, Candice, you are correct. I believe it is named after Jim or John Moran.

  6. The second picture location has the word Gulch in it. That is a pretty good hint, but dont know how else to do it.
