Thursday, May 31, 2012

Road Back Home

After a wonderful five days, we took the long route home from Omaha. We drove on the Loess Hills Scenic Byway and stopped in Sergeant Bluffs to view the Sergeant Charles Floyd, Jr. Memorial. When we got home, we were pleasantly surprised to see that our own yucca plant was blooming. Granted, it isn't as tall as the ones we saw in Arizona, but it still is beautiful in our eyes.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Building a Future Together

All buildings need a good architect. Name him and the building.

Smooth Soaring From Here

I am a morning person, but not the getting up at 3:30 type. One of the last things we did is pictured below. I can now take it off my bucket list. Arlen and I will be shortening our trip by one day due to an unexpected death of his Aunt with the funeral on Friday. She lived to almost 101 years. If Arlen lives to 100 and I'm still alive, we will have been married 78 years.

By the balloon design, do you know what balloon company we went with? Of course I purposely picked the side of the balloon that makes it a little more difficult.

We Are Not As Old As These

On Tuesday afternoon, May 29th, following our jeep ride in Sedona, we planned on doing the historical part of our trip.

If any of you know Arlen, you know that we cannot go anywhere without going to at least one museum. We also ventured out to see some ancient ruins. Now can you identify the name of these?

(1) First:

Yes, that is a ghost in the picture.

(2) Second:

(3) Third:

(4) Fourth and Final:

As you can see, going on a trip doesn't mean just sitting around.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Road Together -- Mostly Smooth, Sometimes Bumpy

The title says it all. Arlen and I have had 35 years together as husband and wife. Has it always been smooth? No, but as a couple grounded in faith and love for each other, we have grown together.

The pictures below are in a different city. So, can you name it and identify the jeep company?

Pretty much a vertical ride in the jeep down the rock formation and road below.

More Pictures of the Grand Canyon

I wanted to post a few more pictures of the Grand Canyon. It surely is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Our "Grand" 35th Anniversary

What a great or "Grand" 35th Anniversary! It started with us getting up at 4 am and the day isn't done yet at 7 pm. Inadvertently, I already uploaded one picture on Facebook. I hope you got a chance to figure out where we were today. I am going to post a couple more pictures tonight and then, hopefully, will be able to post more anniversary day pictures tomorrow sometime.

Since the guess was so easy today where we were, I thought it might be more of a challenge to identify the scenic views. I have a question below each picture. If you want to, go ahead and answer the questions.

They are both popular sites, so get googling to figure it out!

Arlen is looking at a river, but it is also a famous location. What is the location?

Looks deep, doesn't it? Where is this location?

Palms and Plumeria

We arrived at the resort. It is more beautiful here than the pictures show. We were surprised there are even lemon trees.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

More pictures at The Royal Palms

Hollywood Diner ***** 5-Star

I want to thank everyone that looked at our blog, and maybe even posted. If you left a comment on Facebook, and are annoyed by being notified every time someone else comments on Facebook, you can leave a comment on this blog site. If I have time, I may post during the day. But, for sure I will post in the evening. If you are looking for a great place to eat, try the Hollywood diner in Omaha. There was a sign outside that even Warren Buffet ate there on May 7 of this year. Arlen said the malts are wonderful and my shake wasn't bad either.

We are having a great time with our blog idea and I hope you are, too. :-)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sunset Over the Bridge

We enjoyed walking on this bridge.

Update: If you didn't guess it, the 3000 ft. bridge was completed in September, 2008. It was named after Bob Kerrey and called "The Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge." It is the longest pedestrian bridge to link two states and provides safe crossing over the Missouri River.

Our First Stop

We got left around noon. Of course, we had to stop for popcorn on our trip.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Together Forever Ring

I can't believe in only five days we leave on our anniversary trip. Arlen surprised me today with a beautiful ring that came USPS. I would like to say he picked it out, but I got to do that. He wanted to get me something and I suggested jewelry or a new pair of shoes. Yesterday, I got a new pair of hiking shoes and today I got a ring. Did I say I am spoiled?

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 28, 1977

Exiting the church, we were headed for a new adventure as a couple. Soon, some 35 years later, we will undertake another adventure.

Where in the World will the 35th Anniversary Trip Be?

Almost 35 years ago, Arlen and I were married. It has been mostly a great ride, although like most couples, we have had a few bumps along the road. We share many common interests and truly like being together. Our passion is taking old things and making them like "new" again.

A month ago or so, we decided to celebrate our 35th anniversary. We would have loved to take all of our loved ones with us on a cruise or to an exotic location, but that would be too expensive. So, as a couple, we will go alone.  But, where would we go? We didn't have our passports, so going out of the country was out of the question. We didn't have a lot of money, so traveling far was out of the question. So, we decided to take a short trip and maybe having fun by making a game out of it.

We will depart on Saturday, May 26, 2012. Along the way, I will post a picture or clue as to where we are. If you want to guess and maybe post it, feel free. If not, that is okay, too.